How to start Bible journaling for beginners
Have you seen all those Pinterest pins about Bible journaling and wondered what it is and how to get started? Me too!
The New Year is a great time to kick off your Bible journaling journey! Bible journaling is a great way to start reading your Bible more often and grow in your faith!
What about memorizing scripture? Do you struggle with that? Bible journaling also helps encourage you in your Bible reading and memorization.
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What is Bible journaling?
Have you ever written notes in your Bible or highlighted scripture that stands out to you? Bible journaling is a great way to help you study your Bible and memorize scripture.
Bible journaling is a form of worship and study in that you are focusing on one particular scripture. You can really engage with scripture in a creative way where you visually capture the scripture.
I love Bible journaling because I started out just underlining verses. Then I began putting the dates beside a specific verse that really spoke to me with a short note. Lastly, I started using highlighters.
Then I found Bible journaling!! It is so exciting because you can bring verses to life in the margin of your Bible, or some people color the entire page! Honest confession, I don’t have the courage to do that yet. But I have seen it, and it was beautiful.
What is the purpose of Bible journaling?
Do you have a creative side? Bible journaling allows you to tap into that and bring verses alive with color. It helps you grow in your faith by reading your Bible more. It also helps to memorize scripture.
God wants us to connect with Him and study His word. He wants us to pray and communicate with Him daily.
Maybe you don’t like to write or struggle with putting your thoughts on paper. Bible journaling is a great alternative.
If God has given you the gift of being creative and the ability to draw or use color, then use your gift as an act of worship! So get your creative juices flowing and bring those verses that really speak to your heart to life.
How do I know what verse to choose?
When you read your Bible, are there verses that jump out to you?
You know those verses that really speak to you when you are going through a hard time. God is speaking to you, and those are great verses to start with.
Maybe you have a great Bible study you are going through, and you can use those main verses to spark some creativity.
If you still can’t find a verse that is just speaking to you, that’s ok. Instead, find a verse that just praises God or one of His promises.
What supplies do I need to start Bible journaling?
This is where the fun really begins! Do you love Hobby Lobby?! There are so many supplies to choose from.
Washi tape, stickers, colored pens, and coloring pencils, watercolor paints, highlighters. The choices are endless! It really is up to you as to what supplies you use.
Of course, the main thing you need is Bible. Nowadays, there are numerous journaling Bibles to choose from.
You can get them in different translations, sizes, and colors. Some of them already have images and pages you can color.
Where can I get ideas to use in my Bible journaling?
Heads up, sister, this can be a rabbit hole it may take days to recover from, lol. But, if you have ever searched for something on Pinterest, this is a great place to find ideas.
Facebook also has groups for women who Bible journal, and they love to share ideas. I’m a part of a Bible Journaling for Beginners community, and they even have a free 10-day course you can find at Bible Journaling Ministries.
Another group I am a part of is Bible Journaling Community by Illustrated Faith. Again, you can get a lot of ideas, and these ladies are so helpful.
A great place to find Bible journal templates for the margin of your Bible is on Etsy. You can print these out, cut them and tape them into your Bible. Or you can print them out and put them behind the page in your Bible and then trace them.
You can even use washi tape to secure the templates in the margin. That would be pretty. I’m so excited about Bible journaling and using it in my Bible study and worship time.
In the end, it really is up to you what verses you decide to journal and what supplies you use. Worship and prayer are such personal things for each of us. The important thing is that you are reading your Bible.
Spending time in God’s word and prayer is the best way to keep our hearts right and live for God. So get creative, and be sure to come back and share your great ideas! I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you do!
Plus, when we share with each other, it is a ministry because you never know how God will use you and your creativity to speak to someone.
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