Bible Reading Plan – Fully Known and Fully Loved
Fully Known and Deeply Loved
Want to be more faithful or disciplined in reading your Bible? We all do! But let’s face it, Life. Gets. Crazy!
There are a TON of Bible reading plans out there! You can find them on Pinterest, in the back of most Bibles, and just by doing a Google search.
But are you really accomplishing anything by doing that? If you start from Genesis and read through to the end of Revelation, are you digging deep and learning? Are you drawing closer to God that way?
You might be. I’m sure for some, this method works fine. However, for me personally, I get bored. Don’t get me wrong, I love reading my Bible! I have several different versions, and I read them all. I enjoy it.
However, my life doesn’t exactly follow the Bible books. My life is crazy, just like yours. I have a job and a large family that keeps me running.
I’m sure you have different things that you deal with every week. Some days I’m confident and feel like I have a handle on things going on in my life, and other days not so much.
Do you ever struggle with fear, anxiety, feeling like you are not enough ( the comparison trap), or other issues? I know I do.
Because of these reasons, I want to offer a Bible Reading Plan for a topic that we all deal with. As young girls and teenagers, we are compared to other females based on our size, hair color, eye color, athletic ability, and many other things.
This can make us feel inferior, and we can have a hard time accepting ourselves as we are, which can lead to us having a hard time believing that God accepts us as we are.
The good news is that God DOES accept us just like we are! He loves you unconditionally!God says in Genesis 1:27, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
Also, Romans 5:8 assures us that “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” So you see, it doesn’t matter what size you are, what color hair or eyes you have; God loves you so much that He sent His only son to die for you so that you can have a relationship with him.
I cannot fathom that kind of love. But I am so thankful for it!
You are an amazing woman! You have been given gifts and talents and a purpose for your life. You are unique and intelligent and loved so much more than you know!
This Bible reading plan, Fully Known and Fully Loved, was supposed to just have a verse for each day of the month. However, the Bible is so full of verses about God’s love for us that there are more than 31. I encourage you to write these verses down, memorize and meditate on them. Then, ask God to show you how they apply to you personally and how you can apply them to your daily life.
My prayer for you is that by the end of the month, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are loved and accepted. You have a father who loves you unconditionally and wants a relationship with you.
One of the greatest hymns ever written says:
“Just as I am without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”
This hymn was written by Charlotte Elliott in 1834.
“Ephesians 1:6 says, “To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the Beloved.” “Grace is God’s acceptance of us. Faith is our acceptance of God’s acceptance of us.”
We can come to God just as we are. We don’t have to change a single thing. We don’t have to wait until we are better people because we will never be good enough on our own. It is only because of God’s grace that we are made clean from our sins and able to come to His throne.
We can never complete enough good works to make it to Heaven. It is only through our faith in Jesus that we can come to the Father. He loves us and wants us to come to Him just as we are because He loves us.
The Bible has a lot to say about who God says we are.
We are justified and redeemed!
Romans 3:24 says, “They are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (emphasis mine)
I LOVE the story of the “Adulterous woman” in John 8:1-11. Jesus was teaching, and the Pharisees brought her to him in front of a crowd of people, calling her out for her sin. Can you imagine the shame and embarrassment she must have felt at that moment? Oh sure, she probably knew she wasn’t living the life she should be, but who wants to call out for it in front of a crowd?!
I love how Jesus was so kind and loving toward her and didn’t judge her. He could have agreed with the crowd and the Pharisees and “Oh yeah, she’s terrible, can you believe how she acts? Go get the stones!” But, instead, he told the crowd, who undoubtedly had grown and moved in closer just to hear what he had to say, “Let the one without sin cast the first stone.”
How loving and kind! Can you just imagine how the woman must have felt? The overwhelming sense of relief and probably shock as well. She knew the law. She knew they could have easily stoned her to death. Instead, she found complete forgiveness, redemption, love, and acceptance in Jesus. When he asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one accused you?” all she could say was “No one, Lord.” Then Jesus looked into her eyes and said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on, do not sin anymore.”
What a scene for a movie! I’d be on the edge of my seat with tears rolling down my face. But that’s what Jesus says to us. He loves you so much; it doesn’t matter what you have done in your past. So you can lay it down and walk away from your sin, guilt, and shame. Because Jesus freely justifies you and redeems you.
We are accepted!
Romans 15: 5-7 “Now may the God who gives endurance and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, according to Christ Jesus, so that you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with one mind and one voice. Therefore accept one another, just as Christ also accepted you, to the glory of God.”
Sometimes I need endurance and encouragement to accept people and live in harmony with them. Some people just flat get on my nerves. I still love them, but their actions and attitude just rub me the wrong way. If you are sincere, I bet you have those people in your life too.
Praise God we are accepted through Jesus Christ. Our salvation ensures that we are accepted, and nothing can change that. So many times in the Bible, Jesus is referred to as the Shepherd, and we are called His sheep. As a matter of fact, once you accept Jesus as your savior, you are his forever.
John 10:27-29 “My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all. No one can snatch them out of the Father’s hand.”
So you can be secure in knowing that when you are saved, you are one of his sheep, and nothing or no one can change that.
We are fully known and fully loved
Do you know the story of the woman at the well? It is probably one of my favorite stories in all the Bible. I love how the Bible includes so many women. In a day and time when men didn’t really look at women as valuable and didn’t even speak to some, Jesus did.
Jesus, a Jew, made a memorable trip just to talk to this Samaritan woman. Back then, the Jews went out of their way to avoid Samaria but not Jesus. So he went straight to the well where He knew this Samaritan woman would be. He even asked her for a drink of water.
I wish I could have been there just to see her face. But, you see, this woman was an outcast. She had been married 5 times and was now living with a man she wasn’t married to. The other women would have nothing to do with her. She had no friends. That’s why she came to the well alone when everyone else was gone.
She was alone and lonely, and then Jesus showed up right on time. First, Jesus told her all about herself because, after all, He knows us better than anyone. Then her life changed. In a moment, she realized that not only was she fully known but fully loved as well.
Jesus offered Himself as the Living Water. He presents himself to everyone who will receive him. He gives new life to everyone who accepts him. How amazing! Even though Jesus knows all of our sins, all of our thoughts and shortcomings, He still makes a memorable trip to come to talk to you. To offer new life, acceptance, and love to you.
I talk to women all the time who feel “less than,” “not good enough,” “left out,” or “unloved.” It seems to me that at some point in our lives, we have all felt this way. Maybe it was as a child when your parents divorced, and one of them just kinda drifted away. Perhaps it was those awkward teenage years when you wanted desperately to fit in but never really did.
For some people, it was college. You had friends growing up, but when you moved to college, everything changed. Suddenly, you weren’t the smartest in your class or the prettiest or the most popular, and you felt out of place.
Maybe it was when you were in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or beyond, and it seems like everyone around you is married and having children and the life you have always wanted but still don’t have.
Please know that Jesus sees you. He hears your cries that no one else hears. He feels your pain that makes you feel like your heart will break into a million pieces at any moment.
Psalms 34:17 & 18 “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears and rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted; he saves those crushed in spirit.”
I promised a Bible reading plan and really do have one! Please feel free to download it now and get into God’s word. He has filled it with so many promises and stories of people just like you and me. His love is poured out in the scripture, and His invitation is always open to you.
If there is anything I can pray with you about, I am always happy to do so. Just reply to this post with your name and email, and I’ll contact you. Or you can email me. I promise I pray over each request, and no one sees them but me.
I’d sure appreciate it if you wouldn’t mind sharing this post or saving it on Pinterest. The more people who know about His love, the better!